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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I can remember being 18 years old, almost skipping along to the local Bank of America. I had gotten my first paycheck, from the YWCA, for my part-time college job, it was about $53.95. I opened that account, and I felt like I had really entered, the "grown-up world". That was the early seventies, and since I've always come back to them. I can mark parts of my history, by my familys' activity with Bofa. My family financed, all their northern California homes, they've bought in the last fifty years with Bofa. If they had a special need they would go to them. I being a Black woman, always felt they were divers; some of my college friends, landed jobs with Bofa. I'm no banking expert, but something is very wrong with Bofa these days.

I often read that, Bofa was one of the biggest banks in America over the years. I recently read online, that they ARE the biggest. I just find it hard to believe, their current circumstances. I couldn't believe, they recieved a government bailout. How could that be? The news that took the cake, was they are suppose to be, five billion dollars in the hole? You have got to be kidding me! How could that happen? I was alarmed, and mad. I had ignored, the fact they no longer had, a diverse work population, here in a lot of their Northen, California branches. The Bofas, I frequent are mostly Asian females. I thought that was due to some type of outsourcing.

Lately, I've had way too-many errors or fraud on my checking account. And I have to get too-many transactions reversed, because they were already cancelled. Some clerk in Bofa claims, reverses it again, and takes the money back. Sometimes, it seems, like creditors work for THEM, too. Last month was a nightmare, some man, I guess, with a name similar to,"Dong", sent $6,000 through my checking, illegally. It seemed to be covered. He may know someone in the bank. I will close that account, but think they should be investigated. I can't go into the recewnt legal action, I've taken, it's in process, I hope that smooths things out.

Is Suretel Taking Over?

I noticed about a year ago, a lot of the calls I was making to certain, offices, were being intercepted. I'd call a government office, and get a message, that the call was being transferred to, Suretel communications. It's based in canada, Burnaby, BC Hastings, area code; 604-298-3751. I can't figure it out, it's very annoying, at first i thought a private party was intercepting calls illegally. Most of the phones, this company has taken over, were ATT, numbers, US government numbers. You get a message that tells you the call, is being transferred, to Suretel. I thought it was that new form, of wiretapping, where idiots, transfer peoples calls, without their permission to a third party. That could result in five years each count. It's not that, I really haven't figured this out.
Is this form, of intercepting calls, "Slamming and Cramming, I'll have to check with the FCC. I don't understand ATT, anymore. They seem to be involved in this. They don't do much about CPUC complaints; I file one. It seem to be the same person, at the CPUC utility consumer complaints division, as the person in the executive office of ATT. That can't be right, I can't believe it, maybe it's a mix up. That would an extreme, conflict of interest among other things. I'm trying to sort through this madness. I have lifeline phone, and no long distance service, and no frills; my bill last month was $700.00. I don't know if crooks, got cell phones and billed them to my phone, or if Suretel, is involved. Your calls are easily transferred, outside the country to Canada sometimes. I can't figure out if it's these companies, or just crooks who work for them.
I disputed my bill, about nine months ago with the CPUC. I get a bill, every month stating, if I don't pay the whole amount in five days they'll cut it off. I've been sending them, $20.00, every month with, the words,"Disputed bill", written on the top of the bill. That status, protects me.

The other circumstance, that may be happening; the people who handle the bills, can't read or write. Could it be they can't read and write English? I hope this isn't a outsourcing gone mad episode. If you have any information, please go online and tell the FCC. I know I'm not the only one living this nightmare. You can get a lot of information, from the FCC, to help, you have to be persistent.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stalk The Stalker?

I was discussing stalkers with a friend, some years back. she was telling me of one, a man, who would show up at her door and ask for her. I asked was he a salesman, or a businessman, she said no. He claimed he had met the lady he was looking for at a club, the other night, and wanted to talk to her. I said, "Yikes!" He would show up at her, job but just hang around in the parking lot. She said she got security, to escort him off the property, she never saw him again. This was before social networking, and emails. I just shutter to think, how many might be following me around. One of the biggest creeps, I ran into, was a man  that had convinced people,  he was, "with me". He even showed up one day near where I live, with kids who kind of looked like mind, just younger. This woman, heard him call his kids, and said they had similar names! God Almighty forbid!! If that was true--the nut would be a socialpath! I have no idea who he is! That is just very creepy! What planet do these people come from? I at one time, noticed this other guy, who would be at the same cafe the same time I was. It was as though the nut job, thought he was having lunch with me! That is so scary, and you don't know there names. The lunch nut was about, three years ago.

I've talked to other ladies, and they said they have had, freaks follow them-too. They said they try to get a name, or a license plate, and get restraining orders. I haven't had such luck. I've put restraining orders, on people I thought may have been hacking my computer, or breaking in. I didn't know where they lived, or there real name so isued them under a alias. Years, ago I sued and restrained a man, turns out he was friends with cops, he filed one on me also. The courts, were clearly biased ; they should of declared him in conflict of interest, among other things. The thing about that case, is he can NEVER come near me or touch anything with my name on it, or interact with me, or stalk me again. It works both ways, Restraining orders, work both ways, in a lot of states these days. I written to my legislators, to make sure, that they covered both parties. Don't be scared to email, your legislators, if you have a concern. I have had good responses in recent years.

The other creepy thing that happened to me was ; last year when I was volunteering, for a Christmas toy give-away. I had worked so hard, most of us did. It was such a rus I must have bagged hundreds of toys!  We had been working for hours, when I looked around a a fat white guy in a suit, who had slipped past security, was standing way too close to me. he was smiling, and said something to the affect, that he was crazy. It was three or four, girly looking young Asian guys, with him. They were grinning, like idiots, it sounded like they said they were on medication. Where do the nuts come from! We had did so much work, and the loonies, just came all out of nowhere! They could of been fooling around, in the tiolets who knows/ They weren't suppose to be there-they weren't workers. If they show up this year, they are going to be arrested, soon as they step on the grounds. A lady was talking to me, about her stalkers. She wants, to get people who look, just like them to stalk them everywhere. That would fix them! I hope it happens to them. And then maybe, they'll get themselves into a mantal facility and get help. Don't forget the wise thing, is to call police, get enough information, to file a restraining order.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where does Reality End -And TV Reality begin?


Are you one of those people like me, who hate so-called, "Reality tv"? I HATE it!! It has created havoc, crisis, and even tragedy the last twenty years. I hear, "You are not the father!" And I holler back at the TV, 'That is NOT your business!" We might find out, ten years from now, that that madness did more to break up families, than the people themselves. I shutter, to think some of the kids, who were made a scandal of before they even started kindergarten, are grown now. We may have some angry young people on our hands, if the trend isn't reversed to something more, acceptable and productive. I'm not even sure those people have much of a choice. I wonder why they were all, crying and upset if it was totally their choice, I'm not sure. One lady said they had went to all, her neighbor, and contacts and got a story. They were going to do it anyway. What a shame if that's true, poor kids haven't did anything to anybody. It seems, like it should be, a law to at least protect minors. When these shows first aired, one of my neighbors, thought it was a fascist, racist attempt, to break up families and trash certain groups. I don't know that either, I just know it's not productive, or conducive to healthy communities. I did however notice, nobody ever did a tell all book on those type of show host. They might have a few secrets in their closets. I like some of the mainstream, talk shows, i don't like the ones, that trash families, have women crying, call little babies ugly. I happened, to pass by a station, and this big man--a grown man, was jumping up in and down, he was so happy he wasn't the father. What a punk! A animal like that doesn't deserve, a womans' love or time. I hope they, eventually realize it.  You know, he could keep it in his pants--she could say,"No"! Somebody that already, has 47 kids, by 17 women, is not a good, candidate for a life partner. He,  to respect his OWN manhood, should be at the very least UNCLE, and show up with pampers and milk once a month REGARDLESS! And knowing me, if I had gotten railroaded, in one of those shows( never in _), I would have been jumping up and down on the other side of the stage. "Thank you father, thank you God! I knew he wasn't man enough to father, my precious, Baby! Now I can go out and get a real man, one with a backbone! Thank, you lord!". And I'd do the Holy Ghost dance, all the way off the stage!

I have had the very unfortunate luck, to resemble one of the tarts they've had on some shows, or so I'm told. I can clear that up right NOW! I have NEVER, EVER been on ANY reality show and never will- I hate them! Some of those nuts, having been on those shows show up, out here in Northern, California. It just complicates, my already complicated life. I'm still, trying to get over a very difficult heart surgery and condition, all this madness, and the weather doesn't help!

I wonder, though, a friend said she thought these inner city, Black and mixed neighborhoods I live in, are under some old surveillance, from the 1970s'. She thinks, it was set up then to keep an eye on drug deals. She thinks, that now that some of that activity, has cooled down, they are using it to spy on the areas. Some even, think that some of those old enforcers, hide out in Black,"disguise", and make adult movies! The theories, go on and on. I just think, there should be limits, on TV, shows. They can't enter private homes, without permission, they can't wiretap phones, or hack computers, etc. It would make us all safer. I actually sued, filed a petition, with the US District court of California, asking them to clarify, that. I hope they find a way to tone, some of them down. Some it, especially involving kids, is just a shame. It couldn't hurt to establish, some sort of structure.