I was discussing stalkers with a friend, some years back. she was telling me of one, a man, who would show up at her door and ask for her. I asked was he a salesman, or a businessman, she said no. He claimed he had met the lady he was looking for at a club, the other night, and wanted to talk to her. I said, "Yikes!" He would show up at her, job but just hang around in the parking lot. She said she got security, to escort him off the property, she never saw him again. This was before social networking, and emails. I just shutter to think, how many might be following me around. One of the biggest creeps, I ran into, was a man that had convinced people, he was, "with me". He even showed up one day near where I live, with kids who kind of looked like mind, just younger. This woman, heard him call his kids, and said they had similar names! God Almighty forbid!! If that was true--the nut would be a socialpath! I have no idea who he is! That is just very creepy! What planet do these people come from? I at one time, noticed this other guy, who would be at the same cafe the same time I was. It was as though the nut job, thought he was having lunch with me! That is so scary, and you don't know there names. The lunch nut was about, three years ago.
I've talked to other ladies, and they said they have had, freaks follow them-too. They said they try to get a name, or a license plate, and get restraining orders. I haven't had such luck. I've put restraining orders, on people I thought may have been hacking my computer, or breaking in. I didn't know where they lived, or there real name so isued them under a alias. Years, ago I sued and restrained a man, turns out he was friends with cops, he filed one on me also. The courts, were clearly biased ; they should of declared him in conflict of interest, among other things. The thing about that case, is he can NEVER come near me or touch anything with my name on it, or interact with me, or stalk me again. It works both ways, Restraining orders, work both ways, in a lot of states these days. I written to my legislators, to make sure, that they covered both parties. Don't be scared to email, your legislators, if you have a concern. I have had good responses in recent years.
The other creepy thing that happened to me was ; last year when I was volunteering, for a Christmas toy give-away. I had worked so hard, most of us did. It was such a rus I must have bagged hundreds of toys! We had been working for hours, when I looked around a a fat white guy in a suit, who had slipped past security, was standing way too close to me. he was smiling, and said something to the affect, that he was crazy. It was three or four, girly looking young Asian guys, with him. They were grinning, like idiots, it sounded like they said they were on medication. Where do the nuts come from! We had did so much work, and the loonies, just came all out of nowhere! They could of been fooling around, in the tiolets who knows/ They weren't suppose to be there-they weren't workers. If they show up this year, they are going to be arrested, soon as they step on the grounds. A lady was talking to me, about her stalkers. She wants, to get people who look, just like them to stalk them everywhere. That would fix them! I hope it happens to them. And then maybe, they'll get themselves into a mantal facility and get help. Don't forget the wise thing, is to call police, get enough information, to file a restraining order.
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